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Happy June!

I finally got a new DLSR to take pictures with, so here are some new ones! The top is from American Girl, and the Capri's, sandals, and bag are from Our Generation.   I am thinking of sending Rachel in for the eye exchange fairly soon.  Happy June! ~AGDPS
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Happy Spring! (and updates!)

Hi everyone! Happy Spring! I am so glad it is here! So, I have some pictures of Rachel I took in the past few months, but haven't had a chance to edit and post them. Once I do, however, I will go ahead and post them here. I also got a new outfit from AG that was on sale last month....any guesses? It is from the Truly Me line. Stay on the look out for pictures! ~AGDPS P.S. I think I need a personal name to sign my posts with besides AGDPS....any ideas?

First photo of the year!

Photo shoot: January 6th, 2019 So today I went outside because the lighting was not bad, and took some pictures! I think this photo shoot was a 50/50 fail-wise. I only really got one good picture though. :-/ I might go back and play around with some of the other ones, so if they turn out good, I will add them to this post. :-) It was partially cloudy when I took the pictures, but the lighting looked pretty good so I decided to take some pictures. Overall, I am pretty happy with how they turned out! Thanks for sticking around! I am getting a little frusterated with editing, because the quality of the pictures is not that great. It has been cloudy for a few weeks now, with only one or two sunny days. But after all, it is January, so cloudy weather is not too big of a shock. :-) I am starting to look forward to spring now.....ah, those sunny days! 🙂 ~AGDPS

Happy New Year, and Blaire Wilson!

Happy New Year!! I can't believe 2019 is here already! So the girl of the year for 2019 is Blaire Wilson!  She is so pretty!  I was really hoping for a red haired GOTY, and I am so excited we have one! I also really like her story, with her farm and her chicken. If you are wondering what the breed is, it is a white silkie chicken. Here are her accessories, which are usually priced around $24-$30. I saw somewhere that they were $30, but I am obviously hoping they are the former choice. I think her tote bag is so cute, and I really like the phone and the flowers. Here is my favorite Blaire outfit. I believe it is called "Blaire's Gardening Outfit", which I am guessing is priced at $32. This outfit is so cute! Let's just say this is my lucky year, because I was hoping for a red-haired doll like I said before, and I was also hoping that AG would make a overalls outfit! Here are her pajamas: I think these are cute as well. I really lik

Tips for pics: Angle

Merry Christmas! As you can probably tell from my photo shoots, I love playing around with the angle of my pictures. Different angles and positions can really make your picture unique and add interest to your picture. For example, here are two pictures in the exact same positions, but taken at different angles: So when taking pictures, always remember to try different angles. You never really see a lot of doll pictures taken from behind the doll. One of my favorite angles is to place the camera next to her feet, then tilt the camera up towards her face. Or taking pictures from the side So next time you take pictures, remember to play around with the angle of your pictures. Everyone has their own style, so find yours and develop and improve it. :-) Merry Christmas! Tomorrow's theme: Editing ~AGDPS

Tips for pics: Lighting

12 Days of Christmas, Day 3  Merry Christmas! For the next few days, I am going to be giving tips for taking pictures of your doll!  Today we are going to talk about lighting. 1. Never shoot in full sun So what this means is you never want to take a picture with the sun directly shinning on your doll's face. Here is what a picture in full sun looks like: As you can see, the light in the picture doesn't look quite right. Always shoot with the sun shinning behind your doll, and make sure you have enough shade and that the lighting is right. 2. The right time of day So we see that lighting plays a key factor in your picture. I find that the best time to take pictures is mid-morning, and golden hour. Sometimes other parts of the day can work as well. For example, you could shoot around noon, but you will probably need some shade for your doll to stand in. Another thing is even if you are not shooting into the sun, your photo can still be too b

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you have a wonderful holiday and a happy New Year! 🎄 I took these pictures on a phone earlier this month, but never got around to editing them until yesterday. My family recently got Photoshop, and I had a lot of fun playing around with the editing with these pictures. Have a very Merry Christmas! I will put the rest of the pictures below. ~AGDPS