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Woods Shoot

Photo shoot: August, 2018
Today, I did this shoot in the woods behind my house. So, lets look at our first picture!

Before we talk about the picture, I want to say two things. One, I did not use the same camera as the last shoot. I usually use a Cannon EOS Rebel T3i, but the battery is acting strange on that and won't charge. So I used my Sony Cybershot DSC W-810.  You might notice a difference in the picture quality, so I'm sorry about that. Second, like I said in my last post, I do edit my pictures a little bit on Pixlr. So without further ado, lets get started!

For this shoot, I dressed Rachael in the Truly Me meet outfit. I know it is kind of generic, but I think it goes well in this picture. Other outfits could of looked good too, but this one was on her and I didn't really feel like changing her. So for this picture, I posed her next to this really small tree (Cedar?). I had to crouch down and take the picture. I am pretty pleased with how it turned out. The only thing I would change is I wish Rachael was making more eye contact. I'd rate it an 8/10.

The next photo was taken in the same location, but this time I had Rachael stand sideways and turn her head so she would be looking at me. I tried to make it look like she was examining the tree or something like that. Just have something going on in the picture. I think this picture quality was the best in all of the ones I took in this shoot after editing. Again, I found it was hard to make eye contact with Rachael in these pictures. I think this is one of my favorites, so I will rate it a 9/10.

This next one was taken a little farther away from Rachael, and I am really pleased with how it turned out! I held the branch you see in the left side of the photo in front of the camera to add some interest to the picture. The blurred leaves on the right side of the photo were there already, so that worked out nicely. :-) I am really happy with this photo, so I will rate it a 9/10 again.

This last photo is my least favorite. The shadow on the doll makes her look a little weird. If it weren't for that, I think the photo would of turned out so much better. But I do really like the back round with the pine tree she is leaning against, and then the grass in the distance. I think this is the only picture where Rachael is really making eye contact, so I will rate this one a 6/10.

Here are some before and after pictures:

So overall, I am really happy with how this shoot turned out, considering I was using a much cheaper camera than the one I usually use. The last photo was a bit of a bummer, but the rest of them turned out great!

Which photo is your favorite??



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