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Showing posts from January, 2019

First photo of the year!

Photo shoot: January 6th, 2019 So today I went outside because the lighting was not bad, and took some pictures! I think this photo shoot was a 50/50 fail-wise. I only really got one good picture though. :-/ I might go back and play around with some of the other ones, so if they turn out good, I will add them to this post. :-) It was partially cloudy when I took the pictures, but the lighting looked pretty good so I decided to take some pictures. Overall, I am pretty happy with how they turned out! Thanks for sticking around! I am getting a little frusterated with editing, because the quality of the pictures is not that great. It has been cloudy for a few weeks now, with only one or two sunny days. But after all, it is January, so cloudy weather is not too big of a shock. :-) I am starting to look forward to spring now.....ah, those sunny days! 🙂 ~AGDPS

Happy New Year, and Blaire Wilson!

Happy New Year!! I can't believe 2019 is here already! So the girl of the year for 2019 is Blaire Wilson!  She is so pretty!  I was really hoping for a red haired GOTY, and I am so excited we have one! I also really like her story, with her farm and her chicken. If you are wondering what the breed is, it is a white silkie chicken. Here are her accessories, which are usually priced around $24-$30. I saw somewhere that they were $30, but I am obviously hoping they are the former choice. I think her tote bag is so cute, and I really like the phone and the flowers. Here is my favorite Blaire outfit. I believe it is called "Blaire's Gardening Outfit", which I am guessing is priced at $32. This outfit is so cute! Let's just say this is my lucky year, because I was hoping for a red-haired doll like I said before, and I was also hoping that AG would make a overalls outfit! Here are her pajamas: I think these are cute as well. I really lik