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Showing posts from August, 2018

Cloudy Photo Shoot

Photo shoot: August, 2018 I took this photo shoot in three different locations. The first one has sort of a nature back round, so lets take a look at that one! For this first photo, I placed Rachael against a large pine tree, and then I placed the camera on the ground and pointed it up towards Rachael. I am pleased with how this photo turned out. I think there might be too many shadows in the picture, but I am still playing around and learning how to edit pictures, so I'll figure out how to reduce shadows at some point. :-) The next picture I took was from above Rachael. I sat Rachael down against a hay bale we had next to a Crape Myrtle tree we had. I placed a doll book I had on her lap to make it look like she was reading her book and stopped and looked up. I really like this picture. I also really like how the flowers in the corner turned out.  I would rate this photo a 7/10. I only took one picture at our next location. I brought Rachael and stood her

Woods Shoot

Photo shoot: August, 2018 Today, I did this shoot in the woods behind my house. So, lets look at our first picture! Before we talk about the picture, I want to say two things. One, I did not use the same camera as the last shoot. I usually use a Cannon EOS Rebel T3i, but the battery is acting strange on that and won't charge. So I used my Sony Cybershot DSC W-810.  You might notice a difference in the picture quality, so I'm sorry about that. Second, like I said in my last post, I do edit my pictures a little bit on Pixlr. So without further ado, lets get started! For this shoot, I dressed Rachael in the Truly Me meet outfit. I know it is kind of generic, but I think it goes well in this picture. Other outfits could of looked good too, but this one was on her and I didn't really feel like changing her. So for this picture, I posed her next to this really small tree (Cedar?). I had to crouch down and take the picture. I am pretty pleased with how it turned out. Th

Photoshoot 1

Photo shoot 1: July Here is is the first photo I took of the photo shoot: So the photos I take are a little edited, but I'll show you a before and after shot so you can see the difference and why I edit my pictures. Before: After: So you can see there is a big difference after I edited the photo. I used to edit my photos. I will make another post to show how I edit my photos. Anyway, I am really happy with the first photo. The next photo I took of Rachael was a full body shot of her by the hydrangea bush. This is my favorite photo of the shoot. I really like the outfit I dressed her in, and I think it goes really well with the whole picture. I took the final picture in front of a small green bush. The lighting is not the best here, but I still think the picture turned out good. I'll show the before and after pictures below. I am really happy with my first photoshoot overall. If you have any tips or questions,